Easter triduum
On Easter we celebrate Christ’s Resurrection as something that happened and still happens to us. For each one of us received the gift of that new life and the power to accept it and to live by it. It is a gift which radically alters our attitude toward everything in this world - Alexander Schmemann
On Easter we celebrate Christ’s Resurrection as something that happened and still happens to us. For each one of us received the gift of that new life and the power to accept it and to live by it. It is a gift which radically alters our attitude toward everything in this world - Alexander Schmemann
The Easter triduum, beginning with the Mass of the Washing of the Feet in the evening of Maundy Thursday, is the core of the liturgical year in historical Christianity, and is celebrated with solemnity at Christ Church. The English term "Maundy" derives from the Latin "mandatum" which means "commandment" and is found in John 13: 34: "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another".
The Easter triduum, beginning with the Mass of the Washing of the Feet in the evening of Maundy Thursday, is the core of the liturgical year in historical Christianity, and is celebrated with solemnity at Christ Church. The English term "Maundy" derives from the Latin "mandatum" which means "commandment" and is found in John 13: 34: "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another".
Good Friday is spent in silent reflection and prayer and ends with the Solemn Liturgy of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ during which the narrative of the Passion of Jesus according to John is proclaimed, prayers for the whole world are offered, and people are given the possibility to venerate the cross individually.
Good Friday is spent in silent reflection and prayer and ends with the Solemn Liturgy of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ during which the narrative of the Passion of Jesus according to John is proclaimed, prayers for the whole world are offered, and people are given the possibility to venerate the cross individually.
Many parishioners at Christ Church spend Holy Saturday in active preparation of the Great Vigil and the First Mass of Easter, celebrated on Saturday night. For many years, this has been the central event of the year in our parish, and a great occasion to visit. The Easter celebrations culminate with High Mass on Easter Day.
Many parishioners at Christ Church spend Holy Saturday in active preparation of the Great Vigil and the First Mass of Easter, celebrated on Saturday night. For many years, this has been the central event of the year in our parish, and a great occasion to visit. The Easter celebrations culminate with High Mass on Easter Day.
Washing of the feet on Maundy Thursday (2018)
Veneration of the cross on Good Friday 2019
The New Fire at the Great Vigil of Easter (2018)
Water blessing at the Great Vigil of Easter (2018)
The lighting of the church during the Great Vigil of Easter (2009)
Blessing at the end of the First Mass of Easter (2018)
Our Easter icon of the "harrowing of hell", by Joseph Brown